Thursday 30 August 2012

The Paris underground is like the TARDIS, bigger on the inside than the outside.
To walk 100m above ground requires walking at least 2km in the underground.
French coffee (unlike Italian coffee) varies in quality, in France there is no death penalty for making average coffee.
The death penalty is on the table for making a bad pastry.
The best baklava you have ever had in your life can be better, when you add hazelnuts to the mix, however the conversation just goes downhill from there mmnyumm.
We are in Marais district, the Jewish/Gay part of town.
Nice middle eastern food (Israeli), great vibe.
The Hotel we are staying at is (we realised on arrival) the same hotel we stayed at some 10 years ago (note there are only 7000 hotels in Paris so this is to be expected).
Yesterdays blog seems to have gone somewhere.
note to self don't do blog at 10pm after 1/2 litre of wine for lunch, a bottle with dinner & a few more to "tidy-up" the night.
We did a few obscure museums yesterday and took a LONG walk around Paris. Kirk got a haircut (exciting or what - 13 euros).
Today Alison got her hair done with a Doris Day blow dry (cut and colour about half the price of Sydney)while Kirk went to buy some electronic gear (that made him happy), then we walked up some old metal building with a lot of others (the elevator queue was about 1 hour long .....)

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