Thursday 9 August 2012

Location : +63° 55' 23.859", -17° 42' 19.44"
"If you don't like the weather in Iceland, wait 5 minutes" is a common t-shirt.
I think it's more like 10 minutes but it's not worth arguing.
We got everything from 20C in the hot sun (OK we've acclimatized), settling mist, light drizzle, driving cold windy rain rain .. There was probably more.
Went to see Eyjafjallajokull (cut and pasted that in), but no visibility.
Saw some stunning scenery down through the south of Iceland, and lots of waterfalls (apparently glaciers + volcanoes == waterfall).
Oh well it's after 4 o'clock (4 is the new 5), so time to tidy up the Gin.

We are staying at quite an expensive hotel in the middle of nowhere. It is the most expensive hotel we are staying at in Iceland.
It is quite nice inside but from the outside it looks like a set of demountables..eric the sheep is just outside the door.
We are concerned that he will start the revolution tonite .. if you don't hear from us you'll know.
As requested Kirk has enabled comments on the blog (moderated), this has been done in the laziest way possible, please add your name otherwise we'll need to establish logins that sort of C..P, thanks K&A

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