Sunday 26 August 2012

Captain's log Stardate 20120825.1820
Greetings from 62,02.647N 07,14.404E (woops that keeps changing)
Our internet access is gone we are stranded like 20th Century barbarians, unable to Facebook, access to music limited to 5 Days of music, only 30 or so hours of unwatched videos, and much less than 3,000 books on our e-readers ... not to mention the scenery...what to do
. I think we are approaching the limit of time on a boat, this is day 5, we are still talking, Alison still thinks the theme from The Love Boat is funny, and the sea conditions have been calm.
Entertainment is limited, but that's fine, and we deliberately picked a smaller/older boat .
As the boat is more like a commuter vehicle than a cruise ship it stops at 34 stops along the way. It means you can get off and walk around the town for half an hour. The boat stops longer in the larger ports. At the Lofoten Islands we took a side trip on a zodiac boat out to a smaller island and a fishing village. We looked very attractive in our survival fat suits. We had a couple of hours in Trondheim this morning (third largest city in Norway but smaller than Wollongong in population) to see the sights.
Lots of different types of smoked fish for lunch each day....yum.

18:48 7Degrees East
18:50 63Degrees North
Very Exciting !

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