Monday 20 August 2012

Greetings from Kirkenes,Norway
Kirk has been mispronouncing his name all these Years, should be more a CH sound
We will be mostly out of touch for the next 5 days, on-board the boat to Bergen

Lessons and observations from Iceland
Iceland is on "Island time", things get done, nothing is a problem, not lots of rules
- Scandinavia without the IKEA - a wild and woolly version
- OH&S .. not required

Plan Booze in advance, otherwise you could have a dry Sunday night in the middle of nowhere
Thai Food
- we ate this 3 times in 2 weeks
- is a good middle ground between over-cheesy hamburger & $60 lamb chop
Tucking pants into socks is trendy
PJ's are OK before 1pm on a Sunday at Subway
Main highways should not have more than 200km of graven (at one stretch)
1 lane road tunnels are exciting
In Iceland bakeries and cafe's in the country have to make their own everything, which means that it's usually fresh & yummy
Even if you are Nordic, having a dodgy nordic tattoo still makes you look like a bogan
Most o the tourists in Iceland are Spanish, Italian (what financial crisis?)or older Germans on bus trips. We did not encounter any Australians.

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