Tuesday 16 October 2012

Starbucks corrupts Italy

Warning to those who like PROPER coffee, in Rome if you are in a tourist area they will give you AMERICAN style coffee.
We ordered an espresso and americano and got a really long coffee in a cup (basically a half long black) and a MUG of weak coffee.
We blame America and Starbucks.
Had to go to Cafe Eutrusca to get some real coffee, however I (Kirk today in case you couldn't guess) wasn't happy untill we went to a local bar and got good coffee there.
Lesson learned .. no coffee where there may be bloody tourists !!!!!!!!!!!!
Quiet day, put in our applications for Indian visas, they were disappointingly not bureaucratic, opened at 2 pm and we were out by 2.45.
Cooked a nice veal schnitzel for dinner, the kitchen does not have great cooking utensils, so we had to use an omelette pan to cook one at a time ...a little slow but with the right amount of wine it was fun, surprising how we miss a simple home cooked meal.

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