Wednesday 31 October 2012

Dubrovnik - the jewel of the Adriatic

We are now in Dubrovnik in Croatia after a long day in Bari and catching the boat to Croatia.
Kirk has decided that he won't be returning to Bari.  It started with the vending machine not dispensing our packet of chips on ari railway station, catching the wrong local bus to the port (bus 20 rather than 20/) and ending up in the middle of nowhere, and spending hours at various locations tryibg to buy a boat ticket due to bad information.
Anyway the boat trip was fine and we got there in the end.
Croation women seem to favour big hair so I am fitting in fine.
We are staying in an apartment in the old city which is very beautiful.


  1. Hope your travel woes are over andsafely scoffing the local tipple

    1. We did by chance happen upon a place from which one may purchase alcoholic beverages & did partake of the offer.

      It was an unusual experience, the drinking of alcohol & we may try it again.
