Saturday 17 September 2022


Phew we made it.  What a travel day. We were warned by Josh and Annegret that Schiphol airport was a nightmare and had been since May. Formerly considered one of the best airports in the world has lost its shit post covid. We arrived at the airport 4 hours before the flight and ended up running through the airport just making our flight. There were queues the length I have never seen before that snaked through inside and outside the airport.  All because of delays at security screening. Anyway our flight was on time and we and now enjoying a hefty Gin and tonic in our apartment.

Schiphol airport 

This was abt 40 mins into the experience
Photo Timestamp - 11:28
Actual time we go thru security - 13:55
Only out by 30%

This was pretty much our view for 2 hours

Anyhow we lived to drink beer and gin and wine.
Who knows how many people did not make it ,,