Monday 14 January 2013

Goodbye to Sri Lanka

Currently sitting in the bar at the airport, testing the quality of the gin.
So far, so good, but we shall make sure they maintain the standards.
This is an arduous task we take on, but very important.
It is a happy/sad time, returning home to family & friends, but the 6 month journey is ending.
Tomorrow is Singapore for lunch with family (just luck they are there) and then returning to Sydney.
Things we have learnt from Sri Lanka:
1. All bus drivers are mad idiots and try and run you off the road
2. Lunch time is the time to experience the real Sri Lankan food with a selection of curries and rice
3. Pharmaceutical drugs are cheap and can be obtained without a prescription most developing countries, vendors never have change and you always need the right money (they will somehow find the right change :-( )
5. The people are happy to talk about the cricket even if they are losing.

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