Thursday 8 November 2012


Here we are in Verona, and it's been a busy day of sight seeing.
We went to the actual house that Romeo & Juliet all happened, & we thought it was just a story.
Not only that but the Italians have technology to send e-mail messages back to them, but only from the ancient computer stations in the House ... AMAZING, and not at all tacky.
There was a beautiful bronze statue of Jules, and all the nice young men got their photos taken next to it, (the left boob seemed quite shiny, and one or two of the young men may have been rubbing it inappropriately).
Verona is a great city, large enough but not too large, and being in the wine area they take wine seriously (but they are Italian .. so it's for drinking).
There is an arena (think colosseum) in really great condition, & I could only count 12 people when we got there (don't think colosseum).

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