Saturday 8 September 2018

Greetings from Rome : 2018

Greetings world, we arrived in Rome early last morning, and managed to find some good coffee, who'd have thought ?

We are staying in the Jewish Quarter, which has a good night-life, and plenty of walking tours (and plenty of security), which is a lazy 10 minutes from Piazza Navona.

Time to get some more coffee

Kirk & Alison out.

Thursday 6 September 2018

Easiest Airport trip ever .. Canberra airport

Rang for taxi 10:10.
Sitting in Qantas Lounge with coffee by 10:40.

Hard trip so far.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Day 8 iguazu falls argentina

Spent a quiet day wandering around the Argentinian side of the falls.

Got wet walking close to them.

Was crowde so we took a break in the middle of the day for a swim in the hotel pool.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Full brazilian

Brazil side of the falls.

Great views.

Lots of rain 😃

Got wet

Monday 1 January 2018

Across the Andes by plane

Flew from Santiago to igazu falls.

No in flight service when you are flying across the Andries, sometimes it's "a little rough".

We have a great view from our room (If it's not pouring with rain or dark).

No pics yet ... You've all seen rain and night...