Friday 30 September 2016

Leopard and cub

Luck, luck and luck.

We pulled into a clearing for morning tea.

Our tracker noticed this leopard in the brushes.

Then noticed the cub playing in the background.

We watched for some time, and had morning tea elsewhere.

The cub photobombed 1 picture only 😣 (they move fast when playing)

Look at the base of the tree to the right of mother dearest.

Amazing sighting.

Monday 26 September 2016

Kapama River Lodge, South Africa

We arrived here yesterdays, after overnighting in Johannesburg.

(We never left the airport environment).

Back on big planes after a week of small 6 to 12 seaters.

At Hoedspruit airport we were met by some lovely warthogs, and a few other people who took us to Kapama River Lodge.

It's nice to be in a cool climate. 39c with a hot breeze and sand was about as nice as you'd expect 😆

Lots of animals, saw a lioness take on a Buffalo, but the other Buffalos scared it away.

Alison is practicing lioness behavior... Being lazy 😂

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Friday 23 September 2016

Still in Namibia

Weve had 5 trips in small planes in the last 5 days. Gotta love it.

Have seen dunes and rocks. Baby lions feeding from an jumping over mom.

Got up close to black rhino at the watering hole.

Last nite we could not go back to our room after safari so we had to sit in the bar.. Drink g&t and watch the lions at the watering hole next to our room.. Who were stopping us from gettin to our room

Sunday 18 September 2016

Windhoek express

Sat 17 September..

Stared the day as usual, early breakfast, a short drive, a 30min walk into the jungle and then watching the golden monkeys eating and playing.

Was very relaxing and fun to watch.

Then a drive back to Kigali to catch  a flight to Johannesburg (pointy end of the plane). Must still be jetlagged as we both slept for 2 hours 😶.... Missed out on all the free booze.

Sunday 19th.

Arrive Windhoek at lunchtime. Waiting for a small plane to go to  Sossusvlei ( homework for you to find out about )

Thursday 15 September 2016


After a long flight we arrived safely in Kigali the capital of Rwanda.  It was suprisingly organised and safe. 

This morning we went to the genocide memorial before heading up to volcanoes national Park. We are staying at a mountain Lodge with beautiful views of the volcanoes.

Gorillas tomorrow.

We had a great time dancing in the cultural show. There is a possibility that some of those pictures won't be on he blog, will post some pictures when the internet speeds up.

Monday 12 September 2016

Kingsford Smith

One of the prettiest airports in the whole Sydney basin.

Our Canberra flight was cancelled, as were the next 2, but we got on an earlier flight.. more time in Sydney airport, less in Canberra.

Fortunately "the bar is open".