Thursday 31 July 2014


After a flight from Prague yesterday and an overnight stay in Split we took the catamaran this morning to the island of Hvar, about an hours journey.  Croatia is certainly alot busier in July than October when we were here last.  A small problem with finding the apartment.  The sygic map had us heading out of town.  After being driven to our apartment by a kind local we our ensconced on the balcony drinking croatian gin and the lat of the Austrian wine.  A new thing I have discovered is the selfie stick - a stick that many people seem to take on holidays to allow them to take the selfie from a distance greater than the length of their arm...

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Eating bambi

We are now back in the Czech Republic in Cesky Krumlov a picturesque town in the south bohemian region.  Kirk decided that deer goulash was on the menu last night.  Very tasty and quite rich.  Today we visited Cesky Krumlov castle, complete with bears in the morning and then a cultural beer tour in the afternoon at the nearly  500 year old Eggenberg brewery.

Monday 28 July 2014

A day in the Austrian countryside

On Sunday we spent the day with Brigitte, Eric and Maximilian touring the Wachau wine region near Vienna and visiting the Melk monastery, the Aggstein castle and sampling some delicious dry whites.

A terrific day.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Another day another palace

Today we visited Schonbrunn palace the summer residence of the Habsburgs.  Afterwards was a trip to the large food markets for some antipasto as we are rationed to one palace/museum per day.

Another day another palace

Today we visited Schonbrunn palace the summer residence of the Habsburgs.  Afterwards was a trip to the large food markets for some antipasto as we are rationed to one palace/museum per day.

Friday 25 July 2014

House of Habsburg

The Habsburgs managed to keep travelling to the barest essentials.

Only 3 large porcelain gold gilted soup terrines (with of course about 1/2 ton of other goodies).

Their at-home setup included over 1000Kg of silverware, and a 30 meter gold gilt centerpiece (similar to the one we have at home).

Hofburg palace silver collection was a real eye opener, just enough to get by with really.

Thursday 24 July 2014


We caught the hydrofoil  from Bratislava to Vienna this morning, a pleasant trip along the Danube.  Kirk is now singing old Ultravox songs obviously inspired by his surroundings.

Wednesday 23 July 2014


Arrived in the Slovakian capital of Bratislava yesterday.  A small old town because the Russians decided to put a highway through during the communist days.  Still quite nice and quirky.  Took a trip out to Devin castle today.

Monday 21 July 2014

Time at the spa

We thought that you can't go to Budapest without visiting a thermal spa.  After a trip to the large food market in the morning (and a trip to aldi for some very cheap fine London gin distilled in germany) we headed to the hundred year old Gellert spa for some soaking.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Paris of the east

We took a trip to the jewish quarter and visited  some funky markets.  Also took a stroll down Budapest's champs elysees, Andrassy boulevarde.  Rather warm here - 32 degrees.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Later that night

Nice dinner... Can't have too much duck ...

Down time having a drink looking over the Danube.

Listening to Johnny Cash.

It's OK 😁

loving Budapest

Spent today at the castle hill area and then a hungarian wine tasting (aka drinking) cruise in the late afternoon.  We met some swedes but fortunately Kirk didn't mention the hovercraft full of eels.  Budapest is gorgeous.....

Friday 18 July 2014

castles and salt mines

Our last couple of days in Krakow were spent at the wawel castle and the salt mine near town. The salt mine has been in operation since the 13th century and contained lots salt carvings and a magnificent cathedral and salt chandelier.  We caught the night train to Budapest and are just having a quiet gin and tonic looking out atthe danube.  We checked the flight path and although we flew near Moscow on Finnair we didn't fly over the Ukraine.....

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Auschwitz Birkenau

Yesterday we took a tour to Auschwitz Birkenau.  An extremely confronting but interesting trip with an excellent guide.

Tuesday 15 July 2014


The overnight train trip from Prague to Krakow was fine - a bit noisy but comfortable enough.  Spent the day in the old town in Krakow - a magnificent main square.  We visited Schindlers factory which is now a museum detailing the nazi occupation and the jewish ghetto.
Given that we normally refer to any currency we can't remember the name of as a zyloty, we are happy to be in Poland where the currency actually is the zyloty.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Forced march day

Google maps lie.

A 45min walk took us 90mins, in the hot sun.

A beer was required😂

We went to Vysehrad on the top of the hill, great views of the city.

Got rained on on the way back.

Departing for Krakow tonight on the choo-choo.  Hopefully not too many world cup supporters on the train.

Kutna Hora

Spent a busy Saturday doing a 60km trip to Kutna Hora, a town that was the largest silver mine in Europe, fought over many times over the centuries, then the silver ran out, but it is UNESCO listed, so very pretty place.

There is a lovely ossuary there.

It was very tasteful and a god use for old bones. Hope to post the pictures tomorrow (our time).

Discovered that the Czhech republic is full of unused churches. Apparently there was a battle by THE CHURCH show how powerful they were.

There are massive cathedrals used only twice a year.

Who knows how many smaller churches are just unused.

Friday 11 July 2014

Castles and communists

Wandered up to Prague castle this morning.  It has its own Starbuck's. 
Prague castle is the largest castle complex in the world and appears to be the place to have your wedding photos taken. 

In the afternoon we took a walking tour of communist Czechoslovakia which included a trip to StB headquarters (Czech KGB) plus a nuclear bunker for 2000 people. 

All of the subways were designed to be nuclear bunkers.

Dinner was chicken (wrapped in pig) and beef (wrapped in pig).

Thursday 10 July 2014


Successfully navigated 12 hours of flying and are now ensconced in Prague for 4 days.  Did a DIY walking tour today of the old town.  Spent much of the time walking in the completely wrong direction.  Defintely going to advocate for old town to be rebuilt using a sensible grid system.  Have not eaten a pig dinner yet but this could be rectified tonight.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Two nights in Bangkok

Arrived safely in bangkok last night.  Arrived at our hotel and were up sold to the executive floor.  Have already recouped the cost in happy hour free drinks.  Rationed to one Buddha by kirk we chose the large reclining Buddha at wat pho after a boat ride, shopping and some pool time.  Off to the night markets tonight.